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Click on ``Centered data'' link in the static heatmap column of the summary results table. Similar steps could be performed for other histone type. Figure [*] and figure [*]show heatmaps of the 2 histones respectively. Figure [*]shows legend for 5 cell types.

Figure: Legend for 5 cell types
Image histoneLegend

Figure: Histone H3k4me3 Heatmap
Image histoneH3k4me3Heatmap

Figure: Histone H3k27me3 Heatmap
Image histoneH3k27me3Heatmap

The results indicate that there is a subset of genes is in our proliferation signature with strong tri-mehylation of histone 3's lysine 4 across all 5 cell lines. On the other hand, tri-methylation of histone 3's lysine 27, in addition for differences between genes, also shows differences between different cell lines.