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Find predefined gene list(s) for your choice of genes.

This section describes how to find predefined gene lists that contain genes of interest.

Figure: Find predefined gene lists
Image findpredef

There are two links beside title ``demo'' and ``demo gene list''. Clicking on demo gene list link shows a few sample genes that we are going to use for the purpose of this demo. The demo genes are as follows:




Now copy and paste these genes in the text box above. The radio buttons provide option of how we want to search for the gene lists in the database. ``Match any gene'' would find all the gene lists that contain any of the genes we input whereas ``Match all genes'' would find only the gene lists that contain all of the genes.

We also have option of selecting which categories of predefined gene lists to search.

Figure: Select categories of predefined gene lists to search
Image findpredefSelList

Figure[*] shows all the categories of predefined gene lists that visible after clicking ``Search in following lists''.

By default all the lists are selected.

Let's proceed with our example using ``Match all genes'' option and default case for searching lists (search all lists).

Figure: Result for finding predefined gene lists
Image findpredefResult

Figure[*] shows the result of our query. It shows all the gene lists found along with their description.

Let's select first list (NFkB) and submit.

Figure: Summary of gene list
Image findpredefSummary

Figure[*] shows the resultant screen which shows the summary of gene lists selected. You might recall that this is similar to the screen shown in first section [*]``Using predefined gene lists'' and rest of the analysis is as described in that section.

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